Thursday, March 15, 2007


Can you say "consanguinity"?
That's right, boys and girls! I knew that you could!
Consanguinity means that mommies and daddies are related... closely related.
Now, since the dawn of man, hillbillies have been known for their consanguinity. It's been said that the only hillbilly virgin is the girl who can outrun her brothers.
According to a recent study, over the years, consanguinity has become less and less prevalent among the Appalachian hill folk. Why you ask?
Perhaps their females became swifter... Perhaps their brothers and cousins became slower...
More than likely, however, the lure of government checks brought the government-subsidized hillbilly into the lush breeding ground of Welfare Street USA where the genetic gene pool is at least wide, if not deep.
The Right Reason blog indicates there's a new Appalachia. Let's call it Arabachia.
Consanguinity appears to be on the rise in Arab States. You can check out the map here.
Could it be that terrorists are nothing more than inbred, Koran-totin', scarf-wearin' hillbillies from the dunes?
There are some astonishing similarities:
Terrorists blow up buses and planes. Hillbillies stink up buses and planes.
Terrorists wantonly destroy and maim. Same with the hillbilly!
Terrorists are often backed by rogue states and need no employment. The hillbilly is backed by rogue welfare states and needs no employment.
Finally, terrorists and hillbillies both seek the love of their farm animals when consanguinity doesn't work out.

1 comment:

VocalYokel said...

Few know this, but linguistically, the phrase YeeHaw and HeeHaw are both derivatives of the Arab word Jihad. Both words are used to express enthusiasm prior to embarking on a idealogical or religious crusade. Some pop culture examples of this connection can be seen in movies like Dr. Strangelove, when Slim Pickens character yells YeeHaw as he rides the nuclear missle down to its target. Another example comes to us from the syndicated television show HeeHaw. In the mid 1970's Congress cut welfare alotments to many of the nation's hillbillies. The show's opening tune called these hillbillies to wage Holy War aginst the Guv'ment by repeating the phrase HewHaw over and over again until it had whipped the nations rubes into a veritable drooling frenzy. It also include hidden codes in it's skits. Jr.Samples was in fact the mastermind behind multiple kidnappings and hijackings. He worked closely with the Baeder Meinhoff gang as well as the PLO and Symbionese Liberation Army. His agents would put his plans into action anytime he uttered the phrase - B8459.
